{% title %} {% meta %} {% favicon %} {% if Blog.CssUrl is not empty %} {% endif %}
{% if Blog.isAdEnabled %}
{% ad(4) with {'background' : '#FFFFFF', 'text' : '#787878', 'url' : Custom('color1'), 'link' : Custom('color1'), 'border' : '#FFFFFF'} %}
{% endif %}
{% if isSpecial %}
{{ SpecialContent }}
{% elseif isSearch or isTag %} {% if isSearch %} {{ Search.ResultCount }} {{ Lang.Get('search results for') }} “{{ Search.Keyword }}” {% else %} {{ Tag.PostCount }} {{ Lang.Get('posts with') }} {{ Tag.Title }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if isPost or isSpecial or isPage %} {% endif %} {% list Posts %} {% if isSingle %}

{{ Post.Title }}

    {% if Post.Date is not empty %}
  • {% endif %} {% if Post.Author.Nickname is not empty %}
  • {{ Post.Author.Nickname }}
  • {% endif %} {% if Post.Tags is not empty %}
  •  {% list Post.Tags %}{# #}{% if loop.index > 1 %}, {% endif %}{# #}{{ Tag.Title }}{# #}{# #}{% endlist %}
  • {% endif %}
{{ Post.Body }} {% if Post.ShowComments %} {{ Post.Comments }} {% endif %}
{% if Navigation.PreviousPost is not empty or Navigation.NextPost is not empty %} {% endif %} {% else %}

{{ Post.Title }}

{% if Post.Cover is not empty %} {{ Post.Title }} {% elseif Custom('default_post_cover') is not empty %} {{ Post.Title }} {% else %} {{ Post.Title }} {% endif %}
{% list Post.Tags %}

{{ Tag.Title }}

{% endlist %}

{{ Post.Snippet(140) }}

  •  {{ Post.CommentCount( '%c commentaire', '%c commentaires' ) }}
{% if loop.index%3 == 0 %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endlist %}
{% if not isSingle and not isSpecial %} {% pagination %} {% endif %}
{% if Custom('custom_footer') is not empty %} {{ Custom('custom_footer') }} -  {% endif %} {{ Lang.Get('Hosted by') }} Overblog